Monday 25 November 2013

2 Days on the Trot

I have been very good today and got through a mountain of ironing before switching laptop on, so I thought I would put a few more cards on to make up for the time I have missed.  I am hoping to post tomorrow the cards and box I am making for the workshop on Saturday, hope you like these,

Lots of love
The Ironing Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both made with some backing papers I have had for ages.

Different colours for me!

Made with love and burnt fingers, must be more careful with melt pot!

Sunday 24 November 2013

New Name!!!!!

Hello all, yes its me after such along time, as you can see I have changed the title on my blog, with the shop closing in February I thought it was about time.  I am still making cards and running my workshops which are now held at the Royal Hotel in Ashby de la Zouch, Leics.   At the end of October I joined Stampin Up as an independent demonstrator, I haven't got a vast amount of products yet but hope to add more over the next few months.  Here are a two of the cards I have made with some of my new goodies, hope you like

Debs xxx
Both cards made with Fabulous Florets stamp set